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Соңғы хабарлар 11

2021-05-09 10:21:58 We wish to our friends a clear peaceful sky above, health, prosperity, and a calm and secure life, that our grandparents and great grandparents wished for us as they shed their blood on battlefields and worked hard for the Great Victory!
515 views07:21
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2021-05-09 10:20:51
Congratulations on the Great Victory Day!

On 9 May, 1945 ended the Great Patriotic War. The Victory of the Soviet People cost millions of lives put an end to the diffusion of the universal evil – anti-human ideology of fascism and racial supremacy.
511 views07:20
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2021-05-08 15:13:48
Другие значения слова: сырга

I have been wearing earrings since I was five.
[ай] [хэв] [би:н] [ˈуээрин] [ˈиэринз] [синс] [ай] [уоз] [файв] .
[aɪ] [hæv] [biːn] [ˈwɛərɪŋ] [ˈɪərɪŋz] [sɪns] [aɪ] [wɒz] [faɪv] .
Мен беш жашымдан бери сөйкө тагып жүрөм.
Я с пяти лет ношу серьги.

She always wears her diamond earrings.
[ши] [ˈо:луэйз] [уээз] [хё] [ˈдайэмэнд] [ˈиэринз] .
[ʃi] [ˈɔːlweɪz] [weəz] [hə] [ˈdʌɪ(ə)mənd] [ˈɪərɪŋz] .
Ал ар дайым бриллиант сөйкөлөрүн тагып жүрөт.
Она всегда носит свои бриллиантовые серьги.
572 views12:13
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2021-05-06 15:57:46 The experience of a lifetime!

I studied marketing at Michigan State University. When I graduated, I decided to learn a foreign language. I chose Spanish because I heard many people around the world speak Spanish, so I thought it would be useful.

A friend who was a student at Temple University in Philadelphia recommended that I study Spanish there, An important part of the course involved studying abroad. Well, at first I didn't really know which country to go to, but one day I saw a TV show about Panama. It looked like a great place to visit, so that's where I went!

When I got to Panama, I was nervous because it was my first time abroad on my own. However, everyone at the college was really friendly and welcoming. On weekends, they took me and the other new students to visit a lot of fun places. They also organized activities so we could meet the local people. Our Spanish teacher was really good, too. I was only there three months, but I learned a lot.

Afterward, I went back to Philadelphia and immediately started investigating other study abroad options. This time I decided to go to Mexico! After one month in Mexico City, I moved to Guadalajara. I really enjoyed my time in both places, and felt my Spanish improved a lot. In Mexico City, I stayed with a host family as it was more economical. I worked part-time in a restaurant and saved some money, so when I moved to Guadalajara, my budget was bigger and I rented an apartment. My four months there were the best of all. We spoke Spanish all the time in class! I found it very hard at first and sometimes got annoyed because I couldn't understand everything. However, it was a very effective way to learn and actually, by the time I left, I was fluent.

That's why, when I graduated a year later from Temple University with a degree in Spanish, I found a job in Spain. I started working for an advertising company in Madrid. Nowadays, I can't believe how lucky I am. Madrid is such an interesting and historic city to live in, and I really enjoy my job. What's more, shortly after settling here, I met a Spanish girl named Adela. Six months ago we got married!

For me, studying abroad was an amazing opportunity to socialize and become friends with people from all over the world. It gave me some fantastic insights into different cultures. But it also gave me a great job, a wife ... in fact, a whole new life. I'd recommend the experience to everyone. Go on, give it a try!

Gavin J. Lawson

• thought – ойлоо
• recommend [рэко‘мэнд]–v. сунуш кыл-; кеңеш бер-
• involve [ин‘волв] – камтуу, тартуу, жалпы кылуу.
• However [хау‘эвэ] – adv. ошондой болсо да, бирок
• activities – иш-аракет, ишмердүүлүк
• Afterward – Андан кийин
• immediately – дароо, токтоосуз
• investigate – изилдөө
• option – тандоо, вариант
• improve – өркүндөтүү, жакшыртуу
• budget [‘бажит] – бюджет
• annoy [э‘ной]–v. жадат-; кыжырга тий-, кыжырды келтир
• effective –майнаптуу, натыйжалуу, таасирдүү, үзүрдүү, үзүрлүү, эффективдүү
• fluent [‘флууэнт] –тез; шар, шыр
• advertising – жарнама
• settling –отурукташуу
• opportunity –мүмкүнчүлүк
• socialize–коомдук
• insights – түшүнүк, идея
690 views12:57
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2021-05-06 15:54:28
619 views12:54
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2021-05-01 19:26:27
970 views16:26
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2021-04-29 19:11:52
Другие значения слова: предатель, змеиться, виться.

I'm very much afraid of snakes.
[айм] [ˈвэри] [мач] [эˈфрэйд] [оф] [снэйкс] .
[aɪm] [ˈveri] [ˈmʌtʃ] [əˈfreɪd] [ɒv] [sneɪks] .
Мен жыландардан аябай корком.
Я очень боюсь змей.

Snakes take off old skin.
[снэйкс] [тэйк] [оф] [оулд] [скин] .
[sneɪks] [teɪk] [ɒf] [əʊld] [skɪn] .
Жыландар эски терисин таштайт.
Змеи сбрасывают старую кожу.
1.1K views16:11
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2021-04-28 13:31:26
Другие значения слова: (n. ушак, келжирек, ушакчы, v. ушакта, келжире, ушак айтуу.)
болтать, беседовать, сплетни, слухи.

Stop finally gossiping about everyone!
[стоп] [ˈфайнэли] [ˈгосипин] [эˈбaут] [ˈэвриуан] !
[stɒp] [ˈfʌɪnəli] [ˈɡɒsɪpɪŋ] [əˈbaʊt] [ˈɛvrɪwʌn] !
Ар ким жөнүндө ушак айтканды токтоткула!
Хватит уже сплетничать про всех!

She likes gossiping with everyone.
[ши] [лайкс] [ˈгосипин] [уиз] [ˈэвриуан] .
[ʃi] [laɪks] [ˈɡɒsɪpɪŋ] [wɪð] [ˈɛvrɪwʌn] .
Ал баардыгы менен ушакташканды жакшы көрөт.
Она любит со всеми посплетничать.
998 views10:31
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2021-04-28 09:36:46
Другие значения слова: adj. жеңилбей турган, жеңилбес, жеңилгис.

Our team is invincible!
[ˈaуэ] [ти:м] [из] [инˈвинсибл] !
[ˈaʊə] [tiːm] [ɪz] [ɪnˈvɪnsɪb(ə)l] !
Биздин команда жеңилбес!
Наша команда непобедима!

I feel invincible.
[ай] [фи:л] [инˈвинсибл] .
[aɪ] [fiːl] [ɪnˈvɪnsɪb(ə)l] .
Мен өзүмдү жеңилбес сезем.
Я чувствую себя непобедимым.
842 views06:36
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2021-04-27 08:05:44
Другие значения слова: сактоо,топтом,склад, кампа; эстеп калуучу аппарат; v. камдап ал, кампада сакта-
склад, память, накопление, хранение.

In this storage there are all the documents.
[ин] [зис] [ˈсто:ридж] [зэ:] [а:] [о:л] [зэ] [ˈдокьюмэнтс] .
[ɪn] [ðɪs] [ˈstɔːrɪʤ] [ðɛː] [ɑː] [ɔːl] [ðə] [ˈdɒkjʊments] .
Бул кампада бардык документтер камтылган.
В этом хранилище находятся все документы.

This is a perfect place for storage.
[зис] [из] [э] [ˈпё:фикт] [плэйс] [фо:] [ˈсто:ридж] .
[ðɪs] [ɪz] [ə] [ˈpɜːfɪkt] [pleɪs] [fɔː] [ˈstɔːrɪʤ] .
Бул сактоо үчүн мыкты жер.
Это идеальное место для хранилища.
844 views05:05
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