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Distinguished generals and officers, sergeants and soldiers! | ҚР Қорғаныс министрлігі / Минобороны РК / Ministry of Defense of the RK 🇰🇿

Distinguished generals and officers, sergeants and soldiers!

I congratulate you on the Constitution Day!

The Basic Law of the State, which was adopted 30 August 1995, created strong foundations for an independent and prosperous Kazakhstan. Time has proved correctness, wisdom and strategic foresight of the laid down principles and foundations of the state system for the benefit of not only all resident citizens but also for all future generations of our republic!

For the Armed Forces, the Constitution is of particular importance. It is not in vain that in the text of the oath, the solemn military oath of allegiance to the country, each soldier solemnly vows "to the last breath to be faithful to the people of Kazakhstan and its legitimately elected President, to observe the Constitution ...". We defend the constitutional order of our country and will not allow anyone to encroach on the stability and prosperity of our state.

The level of achievements of our Army is also a vivid evidence of the responsible approach of the country's leadership to ensuring military security.

The Armed Forces have been building up their combat capabilities year by year. Quality and intensity of combat training have been raised considerably, technical equipment for the troops has been constantly improved, and social guarantees for military personnel have been provided.

The entire range of major tasks set before the Armed Forces is being successfully accomplished.

The credit for this goes to all the personnel who, by their daily military service, have made a massive contribution to strengthening the defence capability of the state.

We still have serious challenges and tasks ahead, which require us to make hard decisions.

I congratulate you, your families, relatives and loved ones on the Constitution Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan!

I wish you all good health, happiness, prosperity, high spirits and success in the implementation of the forthcoming tasks for the benefit of the independence and prosperity of our Motherland - the Republic of Kazakhstan!

Minister of Defence of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Colonel-General R. Zhaksylykov