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Обычно у авторов нет ярко выраженной позиции на тему executive | Геннадий Ванин. Executive Search & Rewards

Обычно у авторов нет ярко выраженной позиции на тему executive pay - чаще описывают тренды или говорят о цифрах. В этой заметке все по-другому:

In a natural system like a human body, something growing 70 times faster than everything around it would be called cancer, and it wouldn’t be long before it takes over the body and destroys it. In a garden, a plant growing 70 times faster than everything around it would be called an invasive species, and it would take over the garden and destroy its balance. Likewise, we can be pretty certain that the presence of super-earners who have increased their rate of earning 70 times faster than those around them, have taken over our society and destroyed its balance.